How to Survive the
Collapse of Civilization!
What if the unthinkable happened? Could your family survive, even for a few
weeks, without electricity… hospitals… water pumped in from miles away… and
food trucked in from out of state?
- COVID-19 has caused a staggering surge in unemployment. A decade of employment gains were erased in a flash… families forced to line up at food banks while they await help from the government.
- "Once it’s upon us, we can’t save you." As Hurricanes Florence, Harvey and Maria proved, the government's ability to help during a national emergency is limited.
- A new generation of drug-resistant "superbugs" could result in global pandemics that kill up to 100 million people.
- If North Korea succeeds in attacking the U.S. power grid with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device, they could throw America into the dark ages in a split second.
Find out what you can do to prepare to survive a terrorist strike… global
pandemic… social unrest… or other serious disaster…
Dear Fellow American,
One thing that gives America's security planners nightmares is the
country's power grid.
That's because without electricity, virtually everything Americans depend upon
for survival — food, water, heat, transportation and communications — would be threatened
on a massive scale.
Yet experts warn that a single, split-second Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
from a nuclear weapon or EMP-producing device would effectively "fry"
the nation's delicate power grid and virtually all non-shielded electronic equipment
within hundreds of miles.
The Implications are Horrific:
Without a large-scale invasion or even a nuclear war, parts of America could be
thrown into the dark ages in an instant.
- No lights.
- No telephones.
- No internet.
- No radio or television.
Even most vehicles would not crank because of the electronic fuel-injection systems
in most cars and trucks.
And That's Just For Starters!
The Entire Financial System Would Also Collapse.
- ATMs would not work.
- Banks would be shuttered.
- Grocery stores would be looted.
- Police would be paralyzed and helpless.
"An EMP strike, most likely from the detonation of a nuclear weapon in
space, would destroy unprotected military and civilian electronics nationwide, blacking
out the electric grid and other critical infrastructure for months or years,"
said security experts Dr. Peter Vincent Pry and Henry F. Cooper in their jointly
written power grid EMP report.
Continued below…
How to Survive a Nuclear
Attack or Accident
Seek shelter immediately. If you are in the vicinity of a nuclear
detonation or the accidental release of radiation, seek shelter immediately. The
majority of people killed at Hiroshima did not die from the thermal blast but from
radioactive particles in fall-out.
Stay underground for 48 hours. The deeper underground you can go,
the safer you will be. Try to find a basement or subterranean garage with a concrete
roof. Radioactive energy dissipates to 1/100th of its initial strength within 48
hours... stay in your temporary shelter for a minimum of two full days, longer if
Take potassium iodide tablets. The thyroid gland has an unusual
capacity to absorb large amounts of radiation, which can be fatal; but potassium
iodide tablets, such as RadBlock, saturate the thyroid with non-radioactive iodine
so that it cannot absorb radiation. Take these tablets as soon as you learn of a
nuclear incident.
Mass Starvation, Looting Possible
One U.S. colonel was even more blunt: An EMP burst would result, he says, in
"mass starvation because food deliveries cease, urban deaths by dehydration
as water systems fail, collapse of medical systems, breakdown of police functions,
ineffectiveness of firefighters, loss of bank records, inability to move physically
other than by foot, and a return of America to a "pre-industrial age state."
Intelligence services fear that China and North Korea (which already possess EMP
capability) or Iran (which is actively pursuing it) could pass an EMP device to
Islamic terrorists.
A primitive, medium-ranged rocket launched from an offshore freighter might be able
to take an EMP device high enough to do the trick.
"In the opinion of many, it is not a matter of if we are attacked by EMP
but when," says Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu, a former special forces
veteran and EMP expert. "America has a surfeit of capable enemies — communists,
dictators and terrorists — and they form a deadly connection committed to our demise."
But despite this very real threat of attack on our power grid — and the potential
end of modern life as we know it — the federal government has ignored
"urgent recommendations" by top security experts to protect the American
electronic infrastructure on the civilian level.
That's why I've pulled together the very latest survival information from top experts
and compiled it into an all-new 21st Century Survival Guide that I'd like to send
you. Its title is How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization.
In this eye-opening special report, you'll discover simple, practical strategies
for coping with a world temporarily without electricity or effective police patrols.
You'll discover…
- Why some types of social unrest may be inevitable as the global
economy worsens…
- The importance of a "take box" — everything you need to
reconstruct your life in the event you have to evacuate your home and everything
is lost.
- The top 20 emergency supplies you need to survive any disaster,
but especially a major terrorist attack…
- Why survival retreats are nice but impractical for most people…
- How you can prepare for social disruptions while living in a city
or the suburbs…
- The right way to back up important computer data so it can survive
an EMP burst…
- An easy, inexpensive way to protect portable radios and laptops from electromagnetic
pulses, allowing you to stay in touch with the outside world if local communications
- Why having an ordinary bicycle can provide temporary transportation needs
if energy supplies are cut off…
- Practical ways to provide your home with low-cost "Amish" alternatives
to high-tech living, including heating, lighting and cooking solutions…
- Proven strategies for surviving a riot…
- And much, much MORE!
Order How to Survive the Collapse of
Civilization — and get a valuable SPECIAL GIFT!
I also want to warn you about…
The Continuing Threat
of Dirty Bombs
The Pentagon has confirmed that the Islamic State — or ISIS — has been stockpiling
radioactive and biological materials.
The terrorist group has seized 88 pounds of uranium from a research facility at
an Iraqi university… gained access to the poison gas Sarin at a disused chemical weapons
factory… and acquired additional potentially dangerous materials from other research
centers and hospitals.
That gives ISIS everything it needs to create — and ultimately detonate — a
so-called "dirty bomb."
Unlike an actual nuclear weapon, which requires precise engineering and access to
enriched plutonium in order to split an atom, a dirty bomb can be made with ordinary
explosives and radioactive materials.
When it's fired into populated areas, the resulting explosion spreads radioactivity
throughout the area.
While a dirty bomb can cause a lot of damage, most experts believe its purpose is primarily
psychological — that is, to terrify a population rather than to actually harm it.
That's because tests have shown that radiation from a dirty bomb would be limited
to a few city blocks, at most, and more people would be harmed from the explosives
than by the radiation.
Nevertheless, if you live in an area in which a dirty bomb is detonated, you should
take precautions such as taking potassium iodide pills and staying indoors.
If you're really worried about exposure to radiation, you can purchase an inexpensive
credit-card-size radiation detector (called a dosimeter) that will instantly let you know
the level of radiation in your immediate surroundings.
To find out more, send for your copy of How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization.
You'll discover…
- Why every home (even a city townhouse) should have a well-stocked
propane grill for emergency cooking…
- Tips for stockpiling money and items for bartering…
- How to set up a tri-fuel generator that runs on natural gas, propane
and gasoline — and protect it from electromagnetic pulses…
- How to identify emergency "escape routes" away from congested
freeways and roads…
- Steps to take to make your home "looter-proof"…
- And lots MORE!
Order How to Survive the Collapse of
Civilization — and get a valuable SPECIAL GIFT!
Continued below…
Learning to Survive
"Off the Grid" Doesn't
Mean Roughing It
The good news is that it's possible to survive without utility-provided electricity.
Groups of independence-minded pioneers have been doing it quite comfortably
for years.
A number of companies sell "off-the-grid" products designed to provide
all the modern conveniences without access to centrally provided power systems.
These include everything from old-fashioned wood stoves and oil lamps to state-of-the-art
solar power systems and natural-gas-powered refrigerators and freezers.
Many of these products are surprisingly affordable — and offer people "back up"
systems that don't rely upon government-provided energy.
To learn more about sturdy, inexpensive, non-electric home products, order your
copy of How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization
today and claim a valuable FREE Gift!
What to Do When Food & Water
are Expensive, Scarce or Unsafe!
In good times, most Americans don't give a thought to the nation's food distribution
system: They simply assume that when they go to the grocery store they'll find plenty
of healthy, inexpensive and safe food.
But in the event of a global depression, killer storm or a catastrophic terrorist
attack, that's a dangerous assumption to make.
The truth is the U.S. food supply system is woefully unprepared for any economic
turmoil. The reliability and safety of U.S. food supplies are more threatened now
than at any time in history.
The empty shelves caused by the COVID-19 panic buying were bad enough... and the food supply wasn't even compromised!
Serious threats to the food supply come from the collapse of food inspection systems…
the bankruptcy of U.S. agribusiness companies — and the breakdown of food distribution
networks in the event of a massive terrorist attack or social unrest.
And it's no longer merely survivalists who are stockpiling food, either.
The Wall Street Journal's Brett Arends warned that "maybe it's time for
Americans to start stockpiling food." He added, "No, this
is not a drill."
In your copy of How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization, you'll
learn practical steps you can take right now to protect your food and water in the
event of economic collapse or terrorist attacks. You'll discover…
- A list of inexpensive, "ordinary" foods that last for
long periods of time and can be easily stored…
- When and how to treat water for storage…
- Why the "store what you normally eat" philosophy is too expensive
for most people (and what to do instead)…
- The truth about pool water — and when you can (and cannot) use it
for drinking water…
- How to feed an army on just $5 a day…
- The 7 most common mistakes people make when storing food…
- How to buy emergency food supplies at warehouse stores like Costco…
- Why every family should possess an emergency water purifier…
- How and when to buy freeze-dried or nitrogen-packed "survival"
- How much food you will need to feed your family for three months
to one year…
- What you need to know about dry canning — and why it makes sense
for serious food storage…
- 19 ways to cut your food bill in half without compromising on quality
and taste…
- How to raise chickens and enjoy limitless free eggs even in the
- Why you should create a cache of emergency "survival seeds"
that can last for four to five years…
- And lots MORE!
Order How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization —
and get a valuable SPECIAL GIFT!
Continued below…
Create a
"Victory Garden" To
Lower Food Costs
Victory gardens, also called war gardens or food gardens for defense, were vegetable,
fruit and herb gardens planted at private residences in the United States, Canada
and the United Kingdom during World War I and World War II to reduce the pressure on
the public food supply brought on by the war effort. In 1943, Americans planted
more than 20 million victory gardens.
Today, millions of Americans are starting small vegetable gardens as a way to ensure
they have plenty of fresh, nutritious food in the event of a breakdown in food supply
With a little planning, it's possible to create a family garden that produces enough
food to feed an entire family. One family of "urban homesteaders" in Pasadena,
California, living on a one-tenth of an acre lot, grows more than 6,000 pounds of
organic fruits and vegetables a year.
To find out more, order your copy of How to Survive the
Collapse of Civilization today and claim a valuable FREE Gift!
Could You Get By Without
Doctors and Hospitals?
If there was one thing that 2005's Hurricane Katrina taught America, it's the need
for self-reliance in emergency situations — especially when it comes to medical
That's because, virtually overnight, this one hurricane eliminated many of the emergency
services the people of New Orleans counted on in a crisis. Suddenly, people were
without ambulance services, hospitals, even doctors and nurses.
Two days after the hurricane hit, the federal government declared a Public Health
Emergency in the states of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi. Dozens of
hospitals shut down. Thousands of incapacitated patients had to be evacuated.
The conditions in many medical facilities were horrific: No electricity… bodies
stacked in stairwells… sweltering heat.
The citizens of New Orleans learned a hard lesson: In a wide-scale emergency, medical
personnel often flee to care for their own families.
One emergency doctor recalled that all that could be done was to "provide the
barest amount of comfort care." He added, "We practiced medical triage
at its most basic, black-tagging the sickest people and [moving] them [away] from
the masses so that they could die in a separate area."
That's why it's important you send for your copy of How to Survive the Collapse
of Civilization.
In this eye-opening report, you'll learn the steps you can take right now to prepare
yourself and your family to survive without routine medical care, including…
- How to legally stockpile, store and rotate routine prescription medicines
you need in case of a temporary collapse of medical services…
- Why you should consider taking a basic Red Cross First Aid or EMT
course sooner rather than later…
- Essential step-by-step emergency medical guides, written for the
layman, every home should have on hand…
- Why 90 percent of routine medical problems can be handled with
a small amount of medical equipment and drugs…
- How to create a first-class emergency medical kit…
- The right way to acquire emergency medications, including antibiotics,
from a trusted M.D. for emergency preparedness…
- How to easily buy emergency medical equipment such as stethoscopes,
IV kits, sutures, syringes, needles and so on…
- Dental survival supplies that everyone should stock in their emergency
medical survival locker…
- Lists of essential antibiotic, cardiovascular, analgesic, respiratory, anti-allergic
and other drugs you should quietly and systematically obtain with your
physician's permission…
- An explanation of the four basic types of bacteria — and the antibiotics
used to combat them…
- Simple emergency testing kits you should have on hand…
- What to do if someone dies during an extended emergency situation…
- How to cope with disease pandemics…
- Essential nutritional supplements that will keep you healthy and
strong so you won't need medical treatment in an emergency…
- And lots MORE!
Order How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization —
and get a valuable SPECIAL GIFT!
Continued below…
Saving Someone's Life from Dehydration
One of the greatest tragedies of survival medicine is dehydration: that's because
severe dehydration can often be fatal and yet it is one thing that trained medical
personnel can easily treat. As a result, the layman, without a doctor or hospital
available, must learn how to cope with dehydration.
Severe dehydration can be recognized by dry skin and eyes, no sweating or urination,
sunken eyes, fever, rapid heartbeat and low blood pressure. The secret is tiny amounts
of fluid frequently. In an emergency, and assuming a patient can drink, you can
make your own oral rehydration solution by mixing 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon
baking soda, 3 tablespoons sugar and 1 liter (about 1 quart) of safe drinking water.
If a patient is unconscious and you do not have (or know how to use) an IV drip,
you can use a simple field technique for providing emergency hydration to an unconscious
person. Known as rectal fluid resuscitation, it involves carefully inserting a thin
plastic tube in the patient's rectum and then slowly dripping about 8 ounces of
fluid (a cup) over a period of 15 to 20 minutes. This can be repeated every four
hours. In the right circumstances, it can save someone's life.
To discover more vital tips for surviving a medical emergency, order your copy of
How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization
today and claim a valuable FREE Gift!
The Ultimate Public Health Nightmare: Pandemics!
Your copy of How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization
gives you practical ways to prevent becoming a victim of bioterrorism or deadly
new pandemic diseases. You'll discover…
- The 25 most dangerous biological agents…
- Why the government WON'T allow you to be vaccinated against common
biological weapons such as anthrax or smallpox…
- How to avoid becoming a victim of new "superbugs"…
- 5 steps you MUST take when you hear about a biological attack on
the U.S.…
- A simple way to purify drinking water so you KNOW it's free of
disease organisms…
- What every person must do after swimming in the open ocean to avoid
contracting a superbug…
- Why experts advise you do NOT stock up on antibiotics such as Cipro®…
- How to improvise air purifiers, gas masks and biohazard suits…
- Whether to flee or hunker down at home…
- How to minimize your chances of falling victim to a biological
weapon attack…
- How to quickly and effectively decontaminate your body of infectious
biological agents — before they can infect you with disease!
- A simple and fast way to create a "safe room" in your
home using common household items (this could save your life in the event of a terrorist
biological attack)…
- 20 items you need to stock up on immediately in preparation for
a biological attack on U.S. cities…
- What you need to know about gas masks — and why they could make you
MORE likely to become infected from a biological agent…
- What you need to do in a gym, health spa or salon to avoid drug-resistant
disease organisms…
- Two products that could save your life in an epidemic…
- Who is most at risk of catching a drug-resistant "superbug"…
- And lots MORE!
You can receive this potentially lifesaving
survival guide at introductory savings — HALF
OFF — and receive a SPECIAL FREE GIFT, too!
Because I want to get this urgent 21st Century Survival Guide into the hands of
as many people as possible, I've made arrangements for you to receive How
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That's right. Just $19.95 for an eBook (yes, right off your computer, right now
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Order your eBook and hard copy today. You won't find this
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Even better, if you order today, you'll receive the exclusive Bonus Report —
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You see… our government will use every disease outbreak and terrorist attack as
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That's why you need to know how to keep the government "spies"
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Your FREE copy of Without a Trace reveals easy tricks
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It's perfectly legal, and there's nothing the government can
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Continued below…
Meet the Publisher
The Bob Livingston Letter® is the proud
publisher of How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization
and Without a Trace: The Ultimate Guide to Digital Privacy in the Age of
Big Brother.
Since 1969, this monthly, no-holds-barred newsletter has been reporting on health,
investment and personal survival strategies the government hopes you never hear
Beholden to no political party… and neither liberal nor conservative… The Bob Livingston
Letter® calls things the way we see them.
We publish the "story behind the story," "the truths the mainstream
media hides from you" including…
- Detailed "insider information" on the financial markets and the government's
plans to steal even more money from you.
- The truth about the health challenges you and your family face — and how you can
stand up to the multi-trillion dollar medical industry and get health care that really
- Strategies for legally protecting your freedom and privacy from the increasingly
totalitarian marriage of Big Government and Big Business.
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Don't be unprepared! Discover the simple
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The information and strategies you discover in this eye-opening book will make
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Order your instant eBook and/or hard copy of
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Best wishes,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®
P.S. Don't forget to order your eBook and hard copy of
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